
St. 卢克的 Welcomes 新教职员 and Celebrates 熟悉的面孔在新角色

St. 卢克的欢迎我们2023-2024年的新教职员工,并庆祝教职员工在新的/额外的角色中回归. 


后排:迈克·埃文斯, 迈克尔·霍法, 比利Bludgus, 金赛弗格森, 珍妮弗罗兹, 杰克休斯, 马特Giannettino; Front Row: Jiaxuan "Mikki" Zong, 贝丝Woelflein, 三美Janower, and 米娅Berretta; Not pictured: Fahmida艾哈迈德 and 罗德尼蔓生

法赫米达·艾哈迈德(Fahmida艾哈迈德)是康涅狄格大学(UConn) 2022年的毕业生,获得了人类发展与家庭科学(HDFS)学位。. While she’s had previous experience in HR roles, she is thrilled that this is her first venture into a full-time position. 法赫米达加入了圣. 她分享说,她非常开心,被温暖的感觉吓了一跳, 支持, and friendliness she has experienced since starting. It's a true testament to the wonderful environment here.


上学校 Science Teaching Fellow
Mya加入St. 卢克是高中科学助教,教两个化学课. 她最近从汉密尔顿学院(Hamilton College)毕业,在那里她还参加了校队女子冰球比赛. 在汉密尔顿的时候, she majored in Neuroscience and minored in Jurisprudence, 法律, 及司法研究. Mya很高兴能担任St. 卢克的. Outside the classroom and the rink, Mya enjoys spending time with her jack russell terrier, 查理, 还有去海滩.

来圣之前. 卢克的, Billy served as the Assistant Superintendent for 中学s at Brilla Schools, a charter school network in the Bronx. 虽然比利精通中学,但他在2021年之前的职业生涯主要集中在9-12年级. 之前Brilla, Billy worked at Cristo Rey High Schools in California and Florida, moving from Dean of Students to Assistant Principal and finally President. He started his career at The Loyola School on the Upper East Side, 在那里,他为高中开发并运营了一个全面的服务学习项目. A math teacher by training, he has taught throughout his time in schools. 对服务充满热情, Billy founded the House of Blue Hope Foundation in Dar es Salaam, 坦桑尼亚, and served as its president for ten years. Billy lives in Stamford with his wife, 凯尔西, a general surgery physician assistant at White Plains Hospital. Outside work, he enjoys running, hiking, 旅行ing, the 剧院, and baking.

中学 Spanish Teacher
迈克从圣. 卢克的 in January, returns this year as an eighth and fifth grade Spanish teacher. Mike's entering his 11th year teaching foreign language. He also has an extensive background in service learning in Cuba, 多米尼加共和国, and Mexico through his own nonprofit, “全场和平”通过让社区共同努力来增加篮球的机会.. 


Kinsey assumed her role as St. 卢克的 前台主管 in October. Kinsey comes to us from Vineyard Vines, where she served many years as a store manager in Greenwich and New Canaan. 在这个职位上,金赛的职责包括为商店员工提供安全和安保培训. 对于社区成员和来到校园的访客来说,金赛是一张热情、欢迎的脸.  

学校辅导员 & 足球总教练
马特是圣。. 卢克的 new 5th and 11th grade counselor and head varsity football coach. 他从纽约长岛来找我们,最近搬到了西哈里森.  Matt是一名前大学运动员,他毕业于圣母学院(Marist college)的领导研究学士学位和圣. 约翰的大学. Matt立志将来成为一名高级学校的管理人员,他很高兴能在SLS社区中成长.

Jake is originally from New Canaan, where he grew up and attended K–12 alongside his 4 sisters, playing basketball and running cross country. After graduating New Canaan High School, he attended the University of Connecticut where he majored in English Literature, 继续攻读文学硕士 & 杰克在宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得英国文学博士学位,专攻19世纪英国浪漫主义。他现在仍然是美国拜伦勋爵协会的成员. 毕业于宾夕法尼亚州立大学, Jake moved on to teach at the Berkeley Carroll School in Brooklyn, NY, 在过去的8年里,他一直教授高中英语和美国研究, including courses on Shakespeare, 浪漫主义, 詹姆斯·鲍德温 & Richard Wright, Novels of India, and Satan in Literature. 他的妻子卡罗琳(也是新迦南高中毕业生)是威尔顿公理会的高级牧师,他们和两个儿子住在威尔顿的教堂牧师住宅里, Henry (3 years) and Julian (3 months). 

体育主任 & PE
迈克尔是一位经验丰富的体育总监,拥有哥伦比亚大学的教学硕士学位,并在顶级私立学校拥有一生的第一手经验. Michael spent several years working in sports marketing, where he honed his leadership and team-building skills. 来圣之前. 卢克的, Michael served as the 体育主任 at Dwight School in New York. He started at Dwight in 2011 and served in many capacities, 包括作为老师, 德怀特的DEI小组成员, and 10th Grade Dean before being named AD in 2016. Michael and his family live in Fairfield, CT. 他的孩子阿拉娜(Alana)和艾登(Aiden)让他忙于他们所有的周末活动. 他喜欢徒步旅行、烹饪、旅行,并尽可能多地与当地男子联盟打曲棍球.

上学校 History Teaching Fellow
Sammi加入St. 卢克的 as the 上学校 History Teaching Fellow, teaching two sections of Foundations of World History. 作为一名本科生, 萨米在宾夕法尼亚大学主修社会学,辅修英语和心理学. 在高中和大学, 萨米参加了音乐剧,并在男子和女子赛艇队担任校队的舵手. Sammi以前从事项目管理工作,喜欢狗、咖啡和旅行.

Jen在备受尊敬的私立学校从事开发工作30多年, including The Chapin School and her alma mater, 卢米斯查菲学校. 最近, 詹尼弗曾担任哥伦比亚文法和预备学校以及圣. 神圣的约翰. 这些学校的蓬勃发展要归功于詹妮弗在实现战略目标方面的长期记录. Her secret weapons are collaboration, 高度的创新精神, 大创意的产生, and a passion for forging deep connections. Jen lives in Rowayton and enjoys her time with family and friends, 旅行, 滑雪, 剧院, 现场音乐, and hikes with her dog Beatrice. 

罗德尼从圣. 卢克在十一月. Rodney has twenty-plus years of experience in public safety. 作为一名前消防员, 应急响应技术员, 和美国海军陆战队, Rodney offers deep experience in emergency and medical response, 救援技能, 解决冲突, 安全合规. 在St之前. 卢克的, Rodney worked for the Town of New Canaan Board of Education, overseeing safety and security for more than 1,300名学生, 教师, 和工作人员. Before that, he served as the Public 引领 Officer for St. 文森特的行为健康, 管理25名保安人员,并与当地应急服务部门协调应急响应演习.

贝丝来到圣. 卢克的 from Greens Farms Academy, 在那里,她领导了所有的中学合唱团,并帮助制作了八年的音乐作品. 在那之前, Beth lived and worked at Suffield Academy for six years, growing and invigorating their upper school choral program. Beth started her teaching career here at St. 卢克的 21 years ago - working as the middle school choir teacher from 2002 - 2006. 她在哈特音乐学院学习声乐和音乐教育,是该地区活跃的女高音歌唱家. 贝丝和她的三个孩子住在丹伯里,其中两个孩子将在今年秋天上SLS. 当她不教书的时候, Beth can be found in the woods listening to birds, 看恐怖电影, or cooking for loved ones to relax. 她很感激能回到这个温暖的社区,并期待着把她对合唱音乐的热情带给同学们!

上学校 World Language Teaching Fellow
她获得了学士学位和第一个景观建筑学硕士学位, and a second master's degree in TESOL. She graduated from the University of Maryland, 学院公园, with a doctorate in applied linguistics and language education in June 2023. 她的论文是通过跨语言和人性化教学法的视角对外语教师和学生的语言实践和态度进行质的研究. 她目前的研究兴趣包括理解普通话教师的跨文化意识和能力,以及这些结构的教学意义. 她还对研究和将有意义的语言理论融入普通话课堂的实践感兴趣. 她迫不及待地想在这个优秀的机构和这个令人惊叹的世界语言系开始她的语言教育家生涯.


Abby Abbott, Assistant 高中校长

Katie Boorse, Head of 中学


菲尔·考克斯, 高中历史系临时主席(初中历史系现任主席)

Mary Kate DeRienzo, Class of 2027 Co-Dean

Dawn Fuller, Director of Performing 艺术

Hannah Galos, Textbook Coordinator

Kimberly Gerardi, designLab Director

Elizabeth Guillen, Equity & 包容积分器 

让·迈尔斯,公平公司 & 包含协调员

Liz Perry, Assistant 校长 for 学者

Stephanie Rein, Equity & 包容积分器

Mike Rupp, Class of 2025 Co-Dean

Sarah Westerberg-Egan, 中学 Student Life Coordinator

Sally Rose Zuckert, 服务 引领er
St. 卢克的 School is a secular (non-religious), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.